corporate social responsibility

At Mumbai Meat Company, we believe in a truly holistic society that will reciprocate the goodness we try to spread.

The Philosophy At MMC

The Philosophy At MMC

Lt. Abdul Razak Allana and Lt. Hussain Allana initiated activities in the field of medicine and education, a cause that remains strong to date. Thousands of underprivileged children, as well as adults suffering from various diseases, receive aid and support from Allana.

The Group and its Trust have dedicated themselves to the activities of medicine, housing, education, water conservation and other kinds of support to the needy sections of society. Major donations are in the form of contributions made to other registered institutions, trusts and associations recognized by the Government for rendering such services.

A Truly Transforming Change

We believe in contributing to the welfare of society and take up CSR activities with a sincere effort to contribute toward the betterment of society. Allana Group has founded five different trusts with a view to take up various social causes. These are: