From livestock selection to several production checkpoints, we ensure high food safety at every step. Each animal we slaughter is examined by Government official veterinarians and the carcass enters the food chain only after it has been determined to be fit for human consumption by the official ante mortem and post mortem checks. By working closely with our suppliers and customers, we are responsible for producing food that is as safe as possible. We also make every effort to make the ingredients and preparation standards of our products clear to the consumer.
Mumbai Meat company is committed to sustainability practices. We practice 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in our operations and are concerned with climate and conservation of natural resources such as water and the environment.
We take remedial measures by waste minimization, hazard reduction and pollution prevention. Each of our facilities has a wastewater effluent treatment plant. The solid is converted into consumable fuel to ensure a sustainable environment.
MMC being a vertically integrated company, has complementary food safety programs, improving communication and the ability to meet increasing food safety standards. We have traceability with all our livestock as the company is vertically integrated. Our rigorous research in quality goes hand-in-hand with innovation. Innovations and techniques have improved the quality of the products.
ISO 9001-Certified Quality
Management System (QMS).
ISO 14001:2004
Management System) and
OHSAS 18001:2007
Food Safety Management
System (HACCP) standard i.e. FSSC
22000:2013 (Food Safety System
Our adherence to strict
International Quality Standards
has enabled us to become
India’s leading Exporter.